PAGES - Come ordinare

How to order

Purchasing online at is very simple:
Here is how:

Choose the item
Choose the desired item through the Menu Categories navigation on top of the page.
It is also possible to choose the item by using the search engine.
Once you have chosen the desired item, click on “Add to Cart”.
Do the same for all the items you decide to purchase.
Go to the “Shopping Cart” page and click on ”Purchase” to start the ordering process.

Payment process
Payment method is very simple:
choose whether to proceed with the order as an anonymous user, or to register on the site or enter your login credentials (for registered users).
Enter your details (for unregistered users) such as name, last name, e-mail address, address.
Select the desired shipping method.
Select the desired payment method.
Check the order summary and complete your order by clicking on “Order”.
If you are paying by credit card, enter your card details to make the payment.

Customer Service
For any needs you can contact Tregoo Customer Service.