Date added: 04/11/2013 Tregoo techincal sponsor of Andrea Pendibene, Italian Navy Team

Andrea Pendibene with his sailboat

Tregoo confirms its technical sponsorship for the Navy team led by Andrea Pendibene .
The 2013 season has ended with excellent results for ITA520 and its now close-knit crew after two years of training in France and in Italy with the support of the Italian Navy .
Now the new challenge with a new ITA1861 boat; leave again, be back in the game, bring the Navy into the Ocean and win, demonstrating the value of a team in this class, which is considered the university of the Yacht design.
The project involves the development, the construction, the set-up of a prototype with which to participate in 2015 and  2017 Transat650, starting from the 2014 Italian Championship. Many contacts with technical sponsors and realities close to the world of ocean sailing, as well as with institutions that already operate with the Navy, are underway.
For now the goal is to define the entire set-up as a research and development of Italian excellence platform, but also to train sailors, future Captains and the support crew for the most important ocean racings, using at first ITA520 and then both boats.

In this field Tregoo is the electronics and photovoltaic energy systems provider for the energy needs aboard.
The first verification tests of the new materials are going to begin in late November to switch into the finalizing phase and reliability testing in December and January, sailing through the most challenging Mediterranean areas, counting on the support of the naval bases of the Maddalena, the Naval Academy of Livorno and the new Marina Cala de Medici, new logistics partner that has offered its availability.