The Volley Team training continue, this time we are in Greenland. The duo have clocked up the miles between the fjords and the greatness of the glaciers, all in complete autonomy.
Enecom e Tregoo presenti al Salone del Camper 2016 (10- 18 settembre).
Ecofuturo trade show will be from 26th to 31st July; it’s the event that reinforces the ecological conscience of the present society, through the promotion of technological innovations.
Solar Attitude is a journey along Italian coasts, with Volkswagen T2 Bay Window '70. SolarAttitude is not only a summer itinerary with a Van motor: it’ s a project realized and undertaken by Vincenzo and Pascale, to promote the eco-friendly and solar energy culture.
Luca, abita a Milano e sin da piccolo coltiva la passione per la pesca. Da diversi anni pratica il Fishing Kayaking ed ora ha deciso di “dare una pagaiata” alla noia quotidiana e alla vita in città: il kayakers pescatore della Brave Crew navigherà col suo kayak dalla Liguria fino alla Stretto di Gibilterra!
Lorenzo, after his photographic journey in Norway, decides to put to test himself, facing front to the lonely the Sentiero Italia.
The Extreme Crew photographer started his experience on 23rd May of the last year, From Santa Maria Teresa di Gallura, with a hard trekking that will finish surely till the end of the summer, through adventures and wonderful trails.
Often, Lorenzo lose himself, pleasantly, on Dolomiti summits, but during last winter, the Extreme Crew photographer, decided to start his solo first travel with the goal to immortalize magnificent colours of Norwegian Aurora Borealis.
In January, Gian Luca, challenged alone Highlands place: a particular land, that puts a considerable physical and mental pressure, for all trekkers, alpinists or walkers.
Fa la cosa giusta è la prima fiera in Italia sul consumo critico e sugli stili di vita sostenibili. Quest’anno vi parteciperà anche Tregoo, esponendo le Solar Power Station e presentando i progetti avviati in cooperazione col Geographical Research Association (Extreme Crew).